Thursday, December 6, 2012

Elf on the Shelf Over Achievers

For today I am sending you over to a Blogger named Jen.  She has a really good write-up on moms who overachieve when thinking of things to do with their Elf on the Shelf.  Cause from my point of view, I have to agree with her and say, That's Just Friggin Stupid!


People I Want to Punch in the Throat

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Not Writing About What I Love

So I find more and more that my passion is travel.  I mean, really, who really doesn't love to travel?  I read about people going somewhere and read about cruises and different countries of the world and think, "Damn!  I wish I could do that"  It's Friggin Stupid that I don't write about what I love...TRAVELING.  But here is the rub. I don't have the time or the funds to travel so that I can tell the world about my adventures.  Who the hell would want to read about places I see when drive home to visit my parents?  Or going to Minneapolis?  I suppose there are plenty of things to show that I have seen in Minneapolis but we've already been to most places and I would have to go back again in order to do a good write-up on it but when you have kids, the only thing they want to see twice is the Mall of America and the Science Museum.  So I suppose I could start there.

Here is the other problem.  When doing a blog they say you should write every day, which you can tell from my posts I don't do.  So I figured being able to write about dumb thins I read online would be easier because I read dumb things every day. I can't travel every day.  I don't travel enough to have a lot of opinions on how to travel. I used to travel a lot when I worked for Northwest Airlines and could have given a lot of insight that way, but those days unfortunately are long past.

God I loved to travel.  I have gone many places in my past.  Drove out West multiple times in my life.  Loved Yellowstone, Teton Mountains, Grand Canyon, all grand places to visit and take in. I have flown to Hawaii, Mexico, Phillipines, and Germany.  I have yet to hit the East Coast or Alaska.  I loved traveling but those of you with children know your adorable loved ones take away from the funds that make those trips possible.

Wouldn't it be neat if I could write and get paid to do it?  Wouldn't it be neat if I could go to places around the world, write it off as an expense, and write about it and make money from doing so?  It's stupid I am writing about stuff that just piss me off yet here I sit.  Wishing I could be on some grand adventure.  I love my kids and I can't complain about my current career but I love to travel. Growing up I always dreamed of doing something I love as a job.

Here's what I see when I travel to Bismarck, North Dakota.  A large buffalo and plenty of land as far as the eye can see.  Now don't get me wrong.  In the summer I love being able to see for miles.  The sky and earth sort of meld into one and it is beautiful.  Anybody that knows me knows that you add a thunderstorm in that scene and you've got heaven for me.  But the remainder of the year, I'd rather be on a beach somewhere.  Pisses me off I can't do this.  It's the old adage you have to have money to make money.  Maybe others know something I don't but it sucks.  I want to get away.  Need a break.  Need to see more of the world.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Post Election Stupidity

Amazes me.  Absolutely amazes me how people panic after an election.  I consider myself as close to the middle as you can get.  At one point I felt as though I leaned more right and now lately it seems as if I have slid a little to the left.  So maybe it's just a person who sits in the middle of things that thinks it is absolutely poposterous when people start reacting after their guy lost.

The first reaction of most it seems this election is to claim to move to Canada or just to ramble off creations of pure stupidity. @realDonaldTrump tweeted after Obama was declared the winner Tuesday night, "This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a Democracy!"

We're not? What the hell are we then?  This is how describes a democracy:

government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under free electoral system.
a state having such a form of government: The United States and Canada are democracies.
a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges.
political or social equality; democratic spirit.
the common people of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power.

So by his admission we are not a government by the people and have no equality of rights and privileges. So I suppose it is by this lack of equal privileges that he was able to obtain his wealth.  If Romney would have won he would have said, "This is the greatest country in the world.  No, the Universe! No, the SOLAR SYSTEM!"  (Dumbass, our solar system is way smaller than our universe.)  You made your millions because of this democracy. Good luck getting rich when some ruler keeps hoarding all the moneyHe's pissed cause his team lost.  This isn't flippin football.  We can't drink our issues away like after our quarterback threw an interception on the winning drive to the Super Bowl.  NO! This is not where it ends.  From here we reach across and say, "damnit you won but we both love this country so lets get to work." But for some fucking reason these buttholes want wine and cry about it and will do so for the next four years rather than try to cooperate.

The next thing stupid people do is start selling off their stock. Are you shitting me?  Nothing has or will change.  It is still the same damn President, Senate and House that is currently driving this country.  It has been a divided Washington that has been in place while the stocks have inched their way back up and now because we voted to keep things relatively unchanged we want to hit the panic button?  What the hell people! If you were comfortable buying stock in the current regime, nothing with the outcome of the election should have changed your mind.  Instead, lets hit the panic button and show the rest of America we are not happy by selling off my stock.  Now wait for the rebound to happen.  I assure you the people that will make money are the ones that bought stock late yesterday.  If people can't come across the isle to come to an agreement the night before "Taxageddon" then screw it anyway because we are done as a country if we are unable to agree on terms before shit starts hitting the fan.  Guess what people?  "Taxmageddon" isn't going to happen so once again, quit whining and just go about your everyday business.  

Finally, people are stocking up on guns.  Once again I don't understand this.  If you didn't stock up on guns before, why when Obama is reelected are we doing it now?  If you really, really are for guns then chances are you already own them.  Do you really need more?  If a single gun can't kill what you need to kill then either you own a water gun or you're trying to shoot through an armored car.  If it's the second then I don't want you owning a gun in the first place.  Besides, most of what the President is trying to ban are assault weapons.  I was born and raised on a farm and have hunted in the past. I am sorry but I see no need for anyone to own an assault rifle.  That to me just begs the question, "WHO do you want to kill" instead of WHAT.  Besides, never fear, I believe the minute a republican is in office you will be able to buy your man killing guns again.  

WOW, I am sounding extremely liberal here and I hate it cause I hate, hate, HATE it when people are either on one side of the fence or the other with no in between.  But for the love of God, let it go!  Romney lost.  This isn't a football game.  We still have work to do.  If the Republicans want to have a fair shot next time, stop your bitching, get to work and show America that it is YOU who are reaching across party lines.  You can take your stances where you see fit but learn to COMPROMISE.  Holy shit I know both Democrats and Republicans instantly forget the meaning of that term as soon as they take office but each one of the sonofabitches should have COMPROMISE in bold face, plastered across their desk with the meaning right under it.  

Romney lost. Stop bitching and work to save America.